Your thesis from the eyes of an examiner

Like how a writer has writing habits, examiners have their own developed reading habits and it is all worth the effort and analysis to figure out what exactly the examiner looks into after receiving a big fat document from your side.

Chapter Summaries help:
In most of the situations, examiners would not go through the thesis in one go. Unless of course they are on a long journey and have carried the task along. So, when the task is going to happen over a few sittings, the examiner would have to keep a record book for summarising the feedback of what is read in one sitting to remember it well. So, if you are one of those students who makes chapter summaries at the end of each chapter, you are closer to impressing the examiner because they can pick up the arguments from where they left it a few days back.

Thesis Abstract builds the base:
Before starting to go through the detailed document examiners always go through the abstract. They expect the abstract to be a succinct summary of the thesis, telling clearly about what it is revolving around and what are the key components covered in detail. Examiners always expect that the abstract is going to tell them about the contribution of the thesis and the warrants. If these are missing in your abstract, you have a cause to worry because your examiner would surely panic.

The list of References Supports quality :
The list if references is the mirror that gives them a clear picture of what all has been read by the candidate and how much they know about the field in detail. Often they read the reference list to look for relevant current as well as historical material that has similar work. The reference list lets them know that whether the scholarly conventions are met by the scholar or no. A poorly drafted reference list is an indicator to the examiner about the lack of attention towards detail by the student.

The table of Contents Indicates Logic:
The content list gives a lot of cues to the examiner about the quality standards of the thesis. Often when looking at the content list they check if all the steps that they expect are present in the document, they are sequenced in a logical manner and if the argument is presented well or no. The designing of the headings and subheadings builds his view about the precision followed in the thesis.

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